
It is unfortunately not uncommon for women to have kesomim (spotting) during their shiva nekiyim (seven clean days). This makes them have to restart their count and thus postpone their mikvah date. When this happens, there can be a strain on shalom bayis (peace in the home) and can make things especially difficult with women struggling with infertility where timing is extremely sensitive.

Additionally, the options of intervention are few, not globally accepted, and involves halochik or medical interventions* (for one in such a difficult situation) which usually compromises on halacho or on the health of the user.

We understand how incredibly difficult that can be and we are here to help. We have worked for years doing research and working with many prominent Rabbis to deliver to you an incredible tool that is an optimal halachik solution that doesn't require medical intervention. 

Halacho tell us (Shluchan Aruch Yoreh Deah Siman 190:10 from the gemara Niddah daf 59a) that if a kesem is found on something that is not susceptible to ritual impurity, than the kesem doesn't count in the world of halacho.

Hatzalat Taharah is exactly that, a garment that is not susceptible to ritual impurity and, therefore, kesomim found on the garment will not render one impure.

We hope that this will create more taharah and shalom bayis in the jewish world as well as make life easier for those struggling with fertility. 

For a detailed analysis of this solution please see "The Sugya" tab.


*This is not meant as medical advice and of course any medical decisions you take should be discussed with your doctor.