Hatzalat Taharah

Allowing the Jewish
Family to flourish

We understand the struggle.

The Problem

Women can have spotting during their 7 clean days (Shiva Nekiyim) which makes them have to restart their count. This delays them going to mikva.

The Solution

Our Rabbinical team consulted with many of the most prominent Rabbis of this generation, and have developed a mehadrin (optimal) solution that women from all walks of Yiddishkeit should be able to use.

How It Works

We have created a comfortable and reusable white undergarment that one can use during their seven clean days that even if one sees a stain on it (that is not your period) it does not render a woman impure and therefore she does not need to restart her count. For use during the seven clean days for women in pressing circumstances under the guidance of their Rov. For more information View The Sugya.


We have received haskamos from many prominent rabbonim and poskim.


Using this product has taken the stress out of a difficult time. My Rav approved it and it worked perfectly for me.
Gittel D.
I was recommended this by a friend and it changed my life.
Rachel O.
I asked my Rabbi in regard to my situation and this was the best solution
Naomi D.

Frequently Asked Questions


Let us help you answering some of your thoughts

  • What is this exactly?

    Hatzalat Taharah is a comfortable, reusable, white undergarment that is not susceptible to ritual impurity (not mekabel tumah). Because of this, even though one may see a blood stain bigger than a gris (a gris is around the size of a penny), which usually makes a woman impure and have to restart her count, she does not need to restart her count. This can help her get to the mikvah much faster.

  • How do I know this works?

    This is all based on a se’if in shulchan aruch that we all paskin like in ‘סימן ק”צ סעיף י. Blood found on something that is not susceptible to ritual impurity does not render a woman tameia. See our page “sugya” for more details.

  • Can this be used whenever I want?

    Although Hatzalat Taharah is a mehadrin solution it is made for women struggling with kesomim (staining) and under the guidance of their Rov in specific circumstances.

  • Wow, so anyone could just wear this and never become a nidda?

    No it does not and nothing can. This product protects the user from a stain not a period (a period is characterized by a larger flow). For the exact parameters of what is considered a period, consult with your Rov.

  • How do I know this is accepted?

    We went to the greatest of poskim from numerous sects of Yiddishkeit and they have given us tremendous praise. You are looking at the most mehadrin solution available. See our “haskama” page for more details and peruse them yourself. However, as with anything in the world of halacha, your rav must be consulted before using this product.

  • This is too good to be true. Shalom bayis has always been a concern for everyone, why hasn't this been done before?

    Advances in modern technology have made this solution viable. It could not have been done without these technological feats.

  • Who are Hatzalat Taharah?

    We are a team of Rabbonim that want to ensure the sanctity of Klal Yisroel without sacrificing on shalom bayis or the ability to conceive.

  • How long does it take to ship?

    We try our best to ship by the next business day.

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